Oman Educational Portal ASDASDAS
علم الإنسان ما لم يعلم
بوابة سلطنة عمان التعليمية بوابة سلطنة عمان التعليمية بوابة سلطنة عمان التعليمية   سلطنة عمان وزارة التربية والتعليم


(Guardian Guide)

The important services available for the role (Guardian) in the educational portal:

1. View student's data in the electronic file.

2. Update and modify the data in the electronic file.

3. View student's absent days.

4. View student's activities.

5. View student selection for the optional subjects.

6. View notices reports in dates.

7. View student's performance report.

8. View daily student's situations.

9. View school schedule.

10. View Exams schedule.

11. The availability of transferring student electronically to another school.

12. Electronic registration for a student in grade 1 or other grades.

13. Request a certificate for student.

14. Re-register the student.

15. Notify him with absence of his son via SMS.

16. Summoned him to school via SMS.

17. Notify him with the subjects chosen by his son in grade 11 via SMS.

18. Notify him to terminate his son registration temporarily from school via SMS.

19. Inquiry about student's school number via SMS.

20. Get student's results in all subjects via SMS.

21. Search about school and benefit from data.

22. Participate in educational forum.

23. Participate in the chat service.

24. Get an e-mail approved from the ministry of education.

25. Request to re-correct student's examination paper.

26. Request to repeat general education examination for student absent with an excuse.

27. Recruit agenda services.

28. Personal manager service.

29. Participate in news and educational publications.

30. Participate in voting on educational issues and topics.

31. View detailed reports in the e-learning system.

32. View the resources and researches which student borrows from learning resource center.

33. View educational developments and general information about the ministry in the front page.

34. View interactive electronic courses in e-learning.

35. The availability of attending virtual classes and self learning in e-learning.

36. Advanced electronic search engine service in front page.

37. Benefit from important electronic and educational websites.

38. Advertisement service on the educational portal website.

39. Interactive voice service (IVR).


الرئيسية تواصل معنا .. لإي استفسار أو ملاحظة خريطة الموقع خصوصية الموقع الإسئلة الشائعة احصائية الموقع
سنعلم أبناءنا ولو تحت ظل شجرة سنعلم أبناءنا ولو تحت ظل شجرة سنعلم أبناءنا ولو تحت ظل شجرة جميع الحقوق محفوظة لوزارة التربية والتعليم 2011 م جميع الحقوق محفوظة لوزارة التربية والتعليم 2011 م