Educated village project: |
Educated village project: |
The Ministry of Education
Directorate General of Curricula Development
Department of Applied Science and curricula development
Water Fund Educational project
How to take advantage of the water fund education in schools a proposal
Sponsored by Oman Wastewater Services in cooperation with the French utility
Water is Life, the most important thing we need after oxygen; we all believe
that water will be always available if we need him, and the fact that the whole
world considers water as an essential issue for the future.
The Water Education Fund project is the fruit of cooperation between the
Ministry of Education, represented by Directorate-General of the curriculum -
Department of Applied Science curriculum development - and Oman Wastewater
Services Company and Veolia Water in the Middle East and aiming at utilization
of the water fund in the implementation of some aspects of the school
curriculum. The water fund is educational activities distinguished by the
students to deal realistically. The fund water education project was launched in
some schools in the Sultanate on Sunday 24/2/2008, a project to help educational
institutions in explaining the importance of water for students and the need to
maintain it.
Definition of water fund:
It’s an environmental toolbox that contains practical activities to increase
students' awareness of the concept of water in nature, and focuses on fresh
water and its source, water cycle, and how to make use of water, and re-use for
sustainable development.
Justification for the project:
1 - Expansion of scientific culture and education of teachers and learners
around the concepts of water reservation.
2 - Search for indicators of scientific and practical help in the development
and promotion of the use of water in the areas of life.
3 - Global trends towards giving more attention to water sources in nature.
4 - The need for the reuse of wastewater in the community.
Project objectives:
1 - provide students with the concepts of water in nature.
2 - Instilling the principles of rationalization of water consumption.
3 - Raising awareness of the importance of the concepts of water and how to
address them.
4 - To identify ways to take advantage of the treated water in a healthy way.
5 – Devote curriculum activities to address the concepts, especially how to
recycle water.
6 - To enable teachers and learners to harness the concepts and methods of water
treatment as a source of education and scope for the application of scientific
7 - Development of practical skills of the learners.
8 - To promote learning development.
Target groups:
Students of grades (5-7) of basic education for public and private schools.
The contents of the Fund box:
1 - materials and tools needed to implement the activities.
2 - Teacher's Guide: provides guidance for teachers in how to perform activities
in addition to scientific information on activities.
3 - A practical brochure (in the form of separate papers to explain how to
conduct the activity and spaces for recording observations).
4 - Student handbook on water, to increase awareness, can be read by the student
at home or in class, contains a number of questions and answers aims at
increasing students’ comprehension of the water cycle in nature, and how to
purify water used for re-use in different purposes.
Water Fund includes three posters addresses the following: 1 - the water cycle
in nature.
2 - Water treatment plant.
3 - Determining the availability of fresh water areas of the globe.
Implementation mechanism:
- To set water fund by re-formulation of the objectives and outputs, to be
aligned with the learning outcomes of the science curriculum for grades (5-7) of
basic education, as well as modify and harmonize the scientific content of the
brochure of activities, teacher's guide and student handbook with the Omani
culture in terms of images, shapes, materials and tools.
- Prepare a time plan; the members of the curriculum in conjunction with company
- Identifying a sample of basic education schools to implement the project
(proposed ten schools: eight of them belonging to the Directorate General of
Education in Governorate of Muscat and two private schools).
- To train members of the curriculum on how to incorporate the activities
associated with the water fund in the curriculum and take advantage of the
manuals accompanying the Fund.
- Training of supervisors and teachers on how to implement activities and
manuals accompanying the water fund.
- The application of the environmental project in three years in a continuous
period of three phases. - Conduct an ongoing evaluation of the project.
- Conduct a final evaluation of the project.
- Prepare periodic reports on the project.
- Prepare a complete report on the project in the form of an integrated research
Implementation phases of the project:
- Start applying the environmental project for grades (5 - 7) of basic education
as follows:
phase |
The Region |
Incorporated Schools |
School year |
Plotting 1 |
Muscat |
10 |
2007l2008 |
Plotting 2 |
All regions |
40 |
2008/2009 |
General implementation |
All regions |
All schools |
2009/2010 |
The Fund box will be tried in (10) schools in the governorate of Muscat in the
first year of the academic year 2007/2008 and after testing results clearly; to
be expanded to the full implementation all over the sultanate schools. This will
be done through the following stages:
Phase I:
Review of activities and accompanying booklets of the Fund of the water through:
1 - Scientific scrutiny of the content.
2 - Study the feasibility of implementing of the activities of fund water, which
will be aligned with curriculum.
3 - Modify and harmonization of activities with the content of the curriculum
and the local environment in terms of images, shapes, materials and tools.
4 – Translate Notebook activities and teacher's guide, student handbook after
the amendment.
5 - Edit Notebook activities and teacher's guide and student handbook.
6 - Provide a copy of the booklets in learning resource centers (LRC) in all
schools to provide an opportunity for teachers and students and the community to
take advantage of them.
Phase II: Training:
Implementation of two training sessions as follows:
A) Training of members of the curriculum on how to incorporate the associated
activities of the water Fund in the curriculum and take advantage of the
booklets accompanying the water fund for one day. B) Training of supervisors and
teachers on how to implement the activities and the accompanying booklets of
water Fund for two days.
C) The top supervisors, supervisors and teachers who attended the training;
transfer their experiences acquired in the training seminars to train the
teachers in school districts on how to implement the activities of Water Fund.
Evaluation and follow-up: Are as follows:
- Follow-up activities and employment of manuals accompanying the water fund and
submit a report by the Department of Educational Supervision in the Educational
zone to the Chairman of the Commission with feedback from the field shows the
pros and cons of implementation.
Implementation requirements:
Each school of Cycle two of basic education for grades 5-7 to be provided with:-
- Two boxes containing materials and tools for the implementation of activities.
- Teacher's Guide, (2) for each school.
- Activities brochure, (210) for each school.
- Student Handbook, (220) for each school.
Working teams of the project:
under the administrative resolution No. (75/200) on 22/8/2007 team was formed
under the chairmanship of Mr. / Said bin Salim Al-Harthy Head of Applied Science
curriculum development and membership of:
1 - Mr. / Hafiz bin Ali al-Hassani: community relations and events supervisor at
Sanitation Company / Head of the Committee.
2 - Ms. Rose Marie Campbell: a representative of the French utility Veolia /
3 - Mr. Ahmed Gomaa Barham: senior chemistry curricula expert
4 - Mr. Nabhan bin Hamoud Al Khanbashi: Junior Chemistry curricula expert
The project plotting schools in Muscat for the academic year 2007/2008
1 - Hazem Bin Hammam Basic Education School (5-10)
2 – Sheikh Nasser Bin Rashid Al-Kharousi Basic Education school (5-10).
3 – Al-Wattiah for Basic Education School.
4 - Darrsit Basic Education School.
5 – Al-Naba’ Basic Education School.
6 - Hail Alawamr Basic Education School.
7 – Jamila bent Thabit Basic Education School.
8 - Al-Asima Private School.
9 – Indian School in Darrsit.
10 - Imam Salt bin Malik Private School.