A glance at the development of education in the Sultanate of Oman. |
A glance at the development of education in the Sultanate of Oman. |
Continued education as quickly surpassing time and short distances and to
this huge turnout and the steady expansion in the large numbers of students and
schools have been using the curriculum and books from some Arab countries, and
the Sultanate of teachers borrowed from sisterly and friendly countries.
The buildings not only to build schools materials were fixed, but the use of the
leased premises, buildings built of materials not fixed tents .Also this period
witnessed the beginning of the activity of literacy and adult education in
order to create a balance between formal and informal education as well as
providing special education services for children with special educational needs
of the ministry firmly eligibility this category in obtaining education as their
peers opening chapters attached to the education of the deaf and dumb also been
using institutes disabled sister in the States.
- Start planning and qualitative development in education:
With the beginning of the school year 76/1977 and After establishing the
structure of the different levels of education in the Sultanate, entered the
planning stage of scientific education in a manner consistent with the five-year
plans of the State:
(A) First Five Year Plan (76-1980):
This development plan has been focusing on the development of educational
services and diversify the education establishment two preparatory professional
model schools and the establishment of institutes specializing in technical
education to accommodate obtaining the certificate prep Among these institutes ,
Nizwa agricultural Institute, institutes of teachers and secondary school
business in addition to representatives of religious education at the Institute
Islamic secondary also included planning to improve the quality of the school
building replacement schools unserviceable educationally which was rented or
that the articles were not fixed tents .
Established schools based materials provide the necessary facilities and
laboratories, libraries, workshops professional activity, especially in primary
schools, which grew into a junior high in the same year was the establishment of
the first school for people with special needs is a school of hope for the deaf
and dumb equipped with an internal Department in Muscat and to provide
educational programs commensurate with the capabilities of this category of
children in an attempt to education and rehabilitation to help them to grow and
integrated well prepared for working life and to participate in society and
increased numbers of students since the opening of school until hope reached
(309) students in the academic year (2005/2006 )
The statistics below show the comparison between the first and last years of the
The school year / elements education 1976-1977 1981-1980 growth rate during the
period 1976-1980
Schools 261 373 42 .9
People 1992 3618 81.6
Students 64975 106032 63.2
Teachers 2553 5150 101.7
With regard to the preparation of university students abroad has doubled to
almost at the end of the plan, they were prepared in various disciplines in
76/77 (509) students and students, hit their numbers (939) students in 1980/1981
and thus accounted for the increase (84%) .
(B) The second five-year plan 81-1985 :
Starting from the second five-year plan continued march educational renaissance
in two directions: education, in terms of the qualitative development has on the
other hand in order to entrench the positives achieved the first five-year plan
and avoid the negative aspects , where continued new elementary schools and
alternative deployment and increased integrated junior high schools, which
brings together Stages, junior high schools were provided laboratory, library
and classrooms operator and family education for girls schools, and institutes
for teachers has been developed and become accepted limited to obtaining the
general secondary schools to become medium and period of study by two years,
starting from the academic year 84/85 with the liquidation of the middle and
three years seminar, and established a trading school for girls before to
testify in prep school at the year 1983/1984 in addition to the emergence of
secondary industry education where at the opening of a school at al batinah zone
in the same school year was requested from the male category only in the
academic year following the inauguration of the alfikriyah school in Muscat
category to accommodate students with mental disability to make rehabilitative
services and educational outreach to provide them with necessary for the
guardians so that they can help them sound educational foundations and the
number of students the school statistics academic year 2001 / 2002 (279)
students, as was the opening of Omar Bin Al Khattab Institute for the Blind at
the expense of the private sector during the academic year 1999 / 2000 it had
the number of (11) students only, while the total number in 2006/2007 to (115)
male and female students of the Blind in special classes each race individually
and internal divisions for boys and girls and comparing the numbers of schools
and the people, students and teachers between the beginning and end of the plan
reflected the following:
The school year / elements education 1981/1982 1985/1986 rate of increase during
the period) 81-85)
Schools 408 588 44 .1
People 4137 7069 70.9
Students 120718 218914 81.3
Teachers 5864 9793 67.0
The increased numbers of female students and envoys abroad where the numbers of
81/1982 .(1068) 85/1986 ,(2681), an increase of 151%.